SESSION : 2009/2010‐2
Office : C14‐310, Faculty of Education, UTM
Phone : 07‐5534453 | 019‐7255786 (HP)
E‐mail : or p‐
(p/s:Dr Z.. its ok if i paste ur information here n ur picture? if not, just tell me n i will remove it)
This course gives exposures on theories and skills of design and production of visual static
media. Besides the conventional methods to produce visual‐based materials, this course will be
focused more on the use of a digital camera and computer to produce quality of images.
Several photography techniques, approaches in developing of digital images, and image
manipulation techniques will be shared in this course to produce excellent and quality images.
Using the digital images, students will develop a complete package of teaching and learning
materials based on visual as a medium. The package will be tested and evaluated by a group of
target users.
At the end of this course, student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate skills in visual static production technology especially the photography
2. Analyze the photography technologies and its applications in education.
3. Produce visual static materials using several conventional and digital techniques.
4. Demonstrate proficiency in graphics design principles, process and technologies in
developing the visual static materials.
5. Work in team professionally and respect ideas from team members.
Students will be assessed based on the following criterion:
Case Study Report (Reflection, Team Assessment) | 10
Assignment 1 – Digital Image Album | 20
Test | 10
Assignment 2 ‐ Image Manipulation | 10
Assignment 3 ‐ Graphics Design – Poster/Books Cover, etc | 10
Final exam | 40
Learning Porfolio (Using Online Blog) Bonus | (5)
Total | 100
• Instructor has the right to make any immediate amendment in order to fulfill course
• All information about assignments/projects will be discussed in the class.
Case Study Report (Group)
There will be 2 or 3 cases related to visual technology that need to be discussed by every team
in and outside class. Each team should consist of 3 – 4 team members. The case study report
should cover:
i. The explanation on the problem of the case
ii. Suggested solution
iii. Team reflection on solving the case.
Each case study report should be around 3 – 4 pages.
Assignment 1 – Digital Image Album (Individual Project)
Every student has to prepare Digital Image Album in their blog (in a CD‐ROM) consists of:
i. Realistic Images produced by using DSLR (minimum 8 images – 2 portrait images, 4
landscape images, and 2 macro images). Each image has to be explained with the
exposure setting (Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO) that has been used.
ii. At least six images with incorrect exposure and shooting techniques and the corrected
version of the images with the correct exposure and shooting techniques.
Assignment 2 ‐ Image Manipulation (Individual Project)
For this assignment, every student has to prepare six digital images with different image
manipulation techniques using graphic manipulation sofware, which is Adobe Photoshop. This
assignment needs to be uploaded in your learning porfolio, which is your blog. A copy of the
files in .psd format needs to be submitted also to the instructor using a CD‐ROM. The original
images also has to be display side‐by‐side with the manipulated images. Explain also the image
manipulation techniques that have been used to manipulate every image.
Assignment 3 ‐ Graphics Design – Poster/Books Cover (Individual Project)
For this assignment, student needs to create an A3 digital poster or book cover to explain one
concept in teaching and learning. You can choose any topic and target users for this
assignment. As guidelines, followings are potentials concept that you can choose:
i. Human respiratory Process and System
ii. Anaerobic Digestion
iii. Computer System
iv. Photography Shooting Techniques
v. Video Shooting Techniques
vi. Etc.
Your poster/book cover should have more visuals and less text. Provide also explanation on
how to produce the poster/book cover (the effects that have been used, filters etc.). This
assignment needs to be submitted in a softcopy format (.psd and .tiff or jpeg file format) using
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